Meal Prep Made Simple

I've got to say it, but we all know the phrase "you are what you eat.

With every mouthful, you are becoming what you previously ate. It shows up in our cells, energy levels, and overall health.

We all know this.. yet with life and all its stresses, we somehow manage to stray away from our good intentions.

Here are a few of my tips to make meal prep super easy! 

Getting organised in the pantry 

When your pantry, fridge and other food storages are neat and organised, not only can you see what you have available to eat, but it saves time, money and confusion. 

How many times have you gone to make something thinking that you have all the ingredients only to realise your missing one crucial ingredient for the recipe… aaargh! Having your pantry organised can ensure you have the right, healthy ingredients every time. 

Label all your pantry staples and keep them in tight sealing containers. My favourite containers are usually see-through to quickly and easily grab what you need when cooking. As a bonus, these containers also tend to keep your food fresher for longer. It's a win-win. 

Write your meal plan up for the week. 

Try to pick out a regular day to do your shopping or receive your online groceries.

If you are going to do your groceries online, a good idea is to make sure it's a time when you are home to receive it. So it is not left out in front of the gate, half on the road on a hot sunny day (true story). The other advantage is that you can put it away and chop and wash it straight away.

"On Sundays we Prep". 

I love the feeling of being organised for the week ahead, so my preference for planning and prepping is on Sunday, but do choose whatever day works best for your schedule. 

Once you have your groceries put on your favourite tunes, wash and cut up your veggies and store in airtight containers. Portion out your fruits and veggies according to the meal plan you have created for the week. This will save you a lot of time during the week and make those healthier choices readily accessible. 

Have a Back-Up Plan 

Here it comes again "those who fail to plan, plan to fail". 

(Yes, I know…I couldn't help it another quote) but it's just so true. Have some backup meal ideas that align with your health and fitness goals, such as batch prepped dinners in the freezer. Or how about using all of your chopped veggies in a healthy salad?  

There's something fun about breakfast for dinner, so you could try a shake or smoothie for dinner when you are running short on time. 

Have some healthy choices picked out ready at local takeaways

We all love going out to eat. You don't have to give up takeaways completely with trying to live a healthier lifestyle. Already having some healthy choices picked out at local takeaways will help you feel like you're staying on track. It does require some planning and a tiny bit of discipline, so don't leave this until you have the phone in your hand and are just about to order.

Let me know in the comments below or on my group Facebook page which tip you're going to try this week! 


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